Resources for Teachers and Staff
Resiliency Websites:
Resilience Guide for Parents and Teachers
Mental Health America Screening Tools
Helping Traumatized Children Learn
Helpful Articles:
Discusses classroom management strategies that are trauma-informed.
10 Things About Childhood Trauma Every Teacher Needs to Know
Power Point Deck – The Effects of Trauma on Learning by Kathi Ritchie
Calmer Classrooms: A Guide to working with Traumatized Children
Understanding and Responding to Traumatized Children in a School Context
Helpful Guides:
Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guide - Children at risk: Calmer Classrooms
Mass Violence Packet for Educators - packet of compiled resources from the NCTSN, USDHHS and SAMHSA
Creating, Supporting and Sustaining Trauma-Informed Schools - a great resource from the NCTSN